After finishing another 12 hour shift and then having to come back to several hours work on the Advanced Diploma course that I am currently doing, I could volubily curse the WTS to hell and back again - just about every night.
However, I figure that the energy required could be put to better use, so I don't!
I resent the JWs anti-education slant as much as anyone, and would have as much reason to do so as anybody else:
- having been prevented from even starting the Engineering Degree course, and then 12 months later being made to abandon the apprenticeship that I had just started (I was later able to pick up a mature age apprenticeship in a related skill, but an still struggling to catch up what I missed out on through not being allowed to attempt the degree course).
However, it need be recognised that all too often with life in general, we by necessity often have to go about things in circumstances that are less than ideal. As others here have noted, it is mainly a case of making the best you can out of an unsatisfactory situation (and trying not to get too consumed by bitterness during the process!)
My observations anyway.